First Helvetic Confession Pdf


Christianity has through Church history produced a number of Christian creeds, confessions and statements of faith. The following lists are provided.

Installment of Reformed Confessions with “The First Helvetic Confession (1536),” as we see Reformed orthodoxy take confessional shape. Teamviewer version 9 for mac. Danny Olinger presents the sixth chapter of his biography of Geerhardus Vos, “Confessional Revision” in which the ecclesiastical battle for Reformed orthodoxy in the late nineteenth century is visibly. The First Helvetic Confession (Confessio Helvetica prior), so called to distinguish it from the Second Helvetic Confession of 1566, is the same with the Second Confession of Basle (Basileensis posterior), in distinction from the First of 1534. 760 760 Hagenbach, l.c. 357: ' Basler Confession heisst diese Confession nur weil sie in, nicht.

The confessions even after Calvin's emergence as foremost leader of the Reformed Church. More­ over, Bullinger's Second Helvetic Confession (1561/3) exhibits a thirdeucharistie type. There seem to be, then, three doctrines of the Eucharist in the Reformed confessions, which we may label 'symbolic memorialism/ 'symbolic parallelism/. What became known as the Second Helvetic Confession was first published simultaneously in Frederick’s capital, the city of Heidelberg, and Bullinger’s hometown of Zurich, in 1566 (March), in both German and Latin. The first attempt at such a doctrinal statement, the Basel Confession of 1534, was accepted only in Basel and Muhlausen. In 1536, Heinrich Bullinger, Oswald Myconius, Simon Grynaeus, Leo Jud, and others gathered in Basel to revise the earlier confession. Their First Helvetic Confession retained the perspective of Zurich reform leader Ulrich.

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In many cases, individual churches will address further doctrinal questions in a set of bylaws. Smaller churches see this as a formality, while churches of a larger size build this to be a large document describing the practical functioning of the church.

  • 6Denominational creeds
  • 7Creeds of specific movements

Biblical creeds[edit]

  • Jesus is Lord (Romans 10:9; 1 Corinthians 12:3)
  • Pre-New Testament Creeds in the New Testament (1 Timothy 2:5, Phil 2:6-11, 1 Timothy 3:16)[1]
  • Christ died, was raised, then list of eyewitnesses to the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:3-10)

Ecumenical and historic Christian creeds[edit]

CreedDateAccepted byOriginal nameNotesLink to text
Apostles' Creed120-250Western ChurchLat.: Symbolum Apostolorum or Symbolum ApostolicumProduct of the Roman Christians around A.D.180, who developed an early form of the Apostles' Creed, possibly to critique Marcion. 'Apostles' Creed'.
Creed of Nicaea325Ecumenical ChurchGreek: Σύμβολον τῆς Νικαίας or, τῆς πίστεως, Latin: Symbolum NicaenumProduct of the first ecumenical council in Nicaea which tried to solve the Arian controversy.[2] 'Creed of Nicaea'.
Nicene Creed (Nicaea-Constantinopolitan Creed)381Ecumenical ChurchExpansion and revision of the 325 Creed of Nicaea (includes new section on Holy Spirit). It is the most widely accepted Christian creed.

It critiques apollinarism and a later addition, the Filioque clause, resulted in disagreement between Eastern Christianity and Western Christianity.

'Nicene Creed'.
Chalcedonian Creed451Council of ChalcedonLatin: Concilium ChalcedonenseIn response to Nestorian teachings, the Chalcedonian formulation defines that Christ is 'acknowledged in two natures', which 'come together into one person and one hypostasis'. Accepted by nearly all Christian denominations (except Oriental Orthodoxy, the Assyrian Church of the East, and much of Restorationism).
Athanasian Creed500Western Christian denominationsLat.: Quicumque vultThe origin of this creed is uncertain, but it is widely used in various Christian denominations. 'Athanasian Creed'.

Creeds of the early church[edit]

  • The Didache (60-150)
  • The Creed of Aristides of Athens (100s)
  • The Old Roman Symbol or Old Roman Creed (c. 215)
  • The Creed of Cyprian of Carthage (250)
  • The Deir Balyzeh Papyrus (200-350)
  • The Creeds of Arius and Euzoius (320/327)
  • The Creed of Alexander of Alexandria (321-324)
  • The First Synod of Antioch (325)
  • The Second Dedication of Antioch (341)
  • The Baptismal Creed of Jerusalem (350)
  • The Apostolic Constitutions (350-380)

Interdenominational creeds[edit]

  • Barmen Declaration of Faith, Confessing Church (1934)
  • World Evangelical Alliance Statement of Faith (1951)
  • National Association of Evangelicals Statement of Faith (1943)
  • Anglican-Lutheran Pullach Report (1972)
  • Brief Statement of Faith (1983)
  • Common Christological Declarations Between the Catholic Church and the Assyrian Church of the East (1994)

Ecumenical creeds[edit]

  • The Call to Unity, Lausanne (1927)
  • The Scheme of Union of the Church of South India (1929/1942)
  • The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, Edinburgh (1937)
  • Affirmation of Union, Edinburgh (1937)
  • The Constitution of the Church in South India (1947)
  • Message of the First Assembly of the World Council of Churches (1948)
  • The Unity We Have and Seek (1952)
  • A Message from the Second Assembly of the World Council of Churches (1954)
  • The Unity of the Church, St. Andrews (1960)
  • The Church's Unity, World Council of Churches, New Delhi (1961)
  • The Holy Spirit and the Catholicity of the Church, Uppsala (1968)
  • What Unity Requires, Nairobi (1975)
  • Baptism, Eucharist, and Ministry, Lima (1982)
  • Uniatism, Method of Union of the Past, and the Present Search for Full Communion (1993)

Denominational creeds[edit]


  • Pillars of Adventism (1848)
  • Adventist Baptismal Vow (1941)
  • 28 Fundamental Beliefs (Adventist) (1980)


  • Hans Denchk's confession Before the Council of Nuremberg (1525)
  • The Schleitheim Confession (1527)
  • The Mennonite Concept of Cologne (1591)
  • The Dordrecht Confession (1632)


  • The Anglican Catechism (1549/1662)
  • Thirty-Nine Articles (1563)
  • Lambeth Articles (1595)

Bullinger's 2nd Helvetic Confession


  • Five Articles of Remonstrance (1610)

Assemblies of God[edit]


  • Thomas Helwys Confession of Faith (1611)
  • Baptist Confession of Faith (1644)
  • Baptist Confession of Faith (1677/1689)
  • The Orthodox Creed of the General Baptists (1678)
  • The Philadelphia Confession (1688)
  • New Hampshire Confession of Faith (1833)
  • The Free-will Baptist Confession (1868)
  • Abstract Principles for Southern Baptist Seminary (1858)
  • The Doctrinal Basis of the New Zealand Baptist Union (1882)
  • Doctrinal Basis of the Baptist Union of Victoria, Australia (1888)
  • The Statement of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland (1888)
  • The Statement of Faith of the American Baptist Association (1905)
  • Johann Kargel's Confession (1913)
  • Baptist Faith and Message, Southern Baptist Convention (1925)
  • The Doctrinal Statement of the North American Baptist Association (1950)
  • Baptist Faith and Message, Southern Baptist Convention (1964)
  • Baptist Affirmation of Faith, Strict Baptist Assembly (1966)
  • Romanian Baptist Confession (1974)
  • The Statement of Beliefs of the North American Baptist Conference (1982)
  • Baptist Faith and Message, Southern Baptist Convention (2000)

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)[edit]

  • Mission, Vision and Confession[3]
  • Christian Church: The Design for the Christian Church (1968)


  • The Cambridge Platform (1648)
  • Savoy Declaration (1658)
  • The Declaration of the Congregational Union of England (1833)
  • The Declaration of the Boston National Council (1865)
  • The Declaration of the Oberlin National Council (1871)
  • The 'Commission' Creed of the Congregational Church (1883/1913)

Eastern Orthodox[edit]

  • Doctrine of the African Orthodox Church (1921)



  • The Ninety-Five Theses (1517)
  • Augsburg Confession (1520)[4][5]
  • Augsburg Confession (1530)
  • Apology of the Augsburg Confession (1530 Lutheran Response to Confutatio Augustana)
  • Book of Concord (1580)
  • Saxon Visitation Articles (1592)
  • The Reaffirmed Consensus of the Trinity Lutheran Faith (1655)
  • The Definite Platform (1855)


First Helvetic Confession

  • Minutes of Some Late Conversations (1744)
  • The Scripture Way of Salvation (1765)
  • Articles of Religion (1784)
  • Confession of Faith, United Methodist Church (1968)
  • Soldier's Covenant of the Salvation Army, a church created by former Methodists


  • Assemblies of God Statement of Fundamental Truths (1916)
  • Indian Pentecostal Church of God: Statement of Faith


  • Scots Confession (1560)
  • Westminster Confession of Faith (1646)
  • The Confession of the Waldenses (1655)
  • The Confession of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church (1814/1883)
  • The Confession of the Free Evangelical Church of Geneva (1848)
  • The Confession of the Free Italian Church (1870)
  • The Auburn Declaration (1837)
  • Auburn Affirmation (PCUSA) (1924)
  • Book of Confessions (PCUSA)[part 1; Second Edition 1970]
  • The Creed of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Chile (1983)
  • Living Faith: A statement of Christian Belief, Presbyterian Church in Canada[6] (1984)


  • Cambridge Platform (1648)


  • The Confession of the Society of Friends (1675)
  • Richmond Declaration[7] (1887)


  • The Sixty-seven Articles of Ulrigh Zwingli (1523)
  • The Evangelical Counsel of Ansbach (1524)
  • Ten Conclusions of Berne (1528)
  • First Helvetic Confession (1536)
  • The Consensus of Geneva (1552)
  • First Scotch Confession (1560)
  • Craig's Catechism (1581)
  • Second Helvetic Confession (1586)
  • Gallican Confession (1559)
  • Belgic Confession (1561)
  • Heidelberg Catechism (1563)
  • The Hungarian Confession (1570)
  • Second Scotch Confession (1580)
  • Irish Articles (1615)
  • Canons of Dordt (1618-19)
  • Westminster Confession of Faith 1646
  • Savoy Declaration 1658
  • Helvetic Consensus (1675)
  • Second London Confession of Faith (1677/1689)
  • Walcheren Articles (1693)
  • Belhar Confession, Dutch Reformed Mission Church (1986)
  • Cambridge Declaration (1996)


  • The Edict of Michael Cerularius and of the Synod of Constantinople of 1054 (1054)
  • The Dictatus Papae of Pope Gregory VII (1075)
  • Confutatio Augustana (1530)
  • Tridentine Creed - Profession of Faith of Pius IV (1564)
  • Anti-Modernist Oath - Pius X
  • Maasai Creed, Holy Ghost Fathers (1960)
  • Vatican II Council, Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (1964)
  • Credo of the People of God Profession of Faith of Paul VI (1968)
  • Common Declaration of Pope John Paul II and [Armenian] Catholicos Karekin I (1996)
  • Ad Tuendam Fidem of Pope John Paul II (1998)

Salvation Army[edit]

United Church of Canada[edit]

  • A New Creed (1968)

First Helvetic Confession Text

United Church of Christ[edit]

  • Statement of Faith of the United Church of Christ (1959/1977)


  • Waldensian Confession (1655) [8]

Creeds of specific movements[edit]

American Fundamentalist Evangelical[edit]

  • Doctrinal Statement of the Evangelical Theological Society (1949, 1990)
  • Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy (1978)
  • Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics (1982)
  • Danvers Statement (1988)

See also[edit]


Second Helvetic Confession Full Text

  1. ^Pelikan, Jaroslav (2003). Credo. New Haven: Yale University Press. p. 133. ISBN0300109741.
  2. ^The Council of Nicaea: Purposes and Themes
  3. ^'Mission, Vision, and Confession'.
  4. ^'ELCA Constitution, Chapter 2'(PDF).
  5. ^Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). 'Scripture, Creeds, Confessions'. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
  6. ^Presbyterian Church in Canada. 'Living Faith: A statement of Christian Belief'.
  7. ^'Richmond Declaration'.
  8. ^'Waldensian Confession'.

First Helvetic Confession Pdf Online


  • Kelly, John N. D. (2006) [1972]. Early Christian Creeds (3rd ed.). London-New York: Continuum.
  • Ritter, Adolf Martin (1965). Das Konzil von Konstantinopel und sein Symbol: Studien zur Geschichte und Theologie des II. Ökumenischen Konzils. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

First Helvetic Confession Pdf

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