Pokemon Stadium 2 Rom Hack

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Get the latest Pokemon Stadium 2 cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo64 (N64). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!

Pokemon stadium 2 is a Nintendo 64 game. Play it online at Play ROMs. A list of pre-patched and tested Pokemon Rom Hacks, available to play on a Game Boy Advance emulator. If you are new to roms, learn how to play them here. If you find a game you've played not in the list, please suggest a hack in the comments section. This might help somebody else out.

Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Nintendo64 cheats we have available for Pokemon Stadium 2.

Rival Cup

Win all cups in stadium mode and defeat all trainers in the Gym Leader Castles to unlock a special Rival Cup in the lower right hand corner of the main map. Select it to fight against Mewtwo, Ho-oh, and Lugia.

Earn Super-Rare Poke'mon

There are two Poke'mon you can earn that havespecial moves they normally can't learn. Youcan earn farfetch'd with Baton pass, and aGligar with earthquake. Both theses are earnedwhen you defeat your rival in special battle.

Harder Mini-games

Defeat the CPU in a seven-coin mini-game on the hard difficulty setting to unlock the super hard difficulty setting.


Have a Pokémon game in the transfer pack when you play the mini-games. The game will search for a Pokémon that you own for use in the mini-games.

Gligar With Earthquake Move

Win the Rival Cup in Round 2 to unlock a Gligar with the Earthquake move.

Farfetch'd With Baton Pass Move

Win the Rival Cup in Round 1 to unlock a Farfetch'd with the Baton Pass move.

Celebi As Rental

Unlock Round 2 to access Celebi as a rental Pokémon in the Prime Cup competition.

Increase Game Boy Tower Speed

Win all cups in stadium mode or defeat either Gym Leader Castle in Round 1 to unlock the Doduo sticker for the GB Tower, allowing you to play Pokémon Gold/Silver at double speed. Win all cups or defeat the Gym Leader Castle in Round 2 to unlock the Dodrio GB Tower, allowing you to play Pokémon Gold/Silver at hyper speed.

Amnesia Psyduck

Successfully complete the game.

Surfing Pikachu

Successfully complete the game to unlock Surf for Pikachu. To teach your Pikachu Surf, unlock Round 2. Then, get up to the Masterball setting on either the Poké Cup or Prime Cup (in Round 2). Complete the Masterball setting with Pikachu as one of your active Pokémon each round (he must be one of the three you choose to battle with). If you lose, you cannot continue (it must be a pure win and the Pikachu may not be part of a registered team or a 'Rental'). If you succeed, the game will congratulate you and ask if you would like to replace one of Pikachu's moves with Surf. Select 'Yes', then choose the move to be forgotten. The Pikachu will now pull out a surfboard and ride the wave whenever Surf is used.

Talking Pikachu

Upload Pikachu from the yellow version of the game to Pokémon Stadium. When battling, Pikachu will say its name and have different motions for certain moves. Note: You must go to battle for this to work. Do not register Pikachu.

Surfing Raichu

Get a Raichu that knows SURF (as seen by Surge's Raichu). It will put its tail under itself and use it as a surfboard.


Mew will become playable, as a 'Rental' Pokémon, in the Round 2 version of the game. He can only be played in the Prime Cup tournament, Gym Leader Castle, Free Battle, and Mewtwo Battle modes.

Mew In Prime Cup

This trick requires a Game Boy Game Shark and Pokémon Yellow. First start the game and enable the Game Shark code to catch Mew. Put it first in your line-up, then save the game. Go to the Game Shark screen and enable the code for the first Pokémon in your line-up to be any desired Pokémon. Check your stats and it should display your selected Pokémon's picture, but with Mew's name and information. Save the game. Place the game in the transfer pak and go to the Pokémon Stadium building. When prompted to select Pokémon, choose the one that was Mew. When you start the match, the Pokémon will be Mew.

Mewtwo Battle

Successfully complete all Cups in Stadium mode, and defeat all opponents in the Gym Leader Castle. Mewtwo is the last opponent you will face in both Round 1 and Round 2 versions of the game.

Round 2

Successfully complete the game to unlock a much harder version of the Stadium, Gym Leader Castle, and Mewtwo Battle modes.

Kids Club Hyper Mode

In one player mode with three CPU controlled opponents, successfully complete 'Who's the best?' five consecutive times on the hard difficulty setting within one match. Hyper will be unlocked as a new difficulty setting for CPU controlled players.

Alternate Pokémon Colors

Pokémon that you upload from the Game Boy version can have alternate colors. Giving your Pokémon various nicknames will change their colors. Switch syllables, such as calling a 'Mewtwo' to 'Twomew' (blue color). Separate the syllables with a hyphen, such as 'Mewtwo' to 'Mew-two'. Also try naming the Pokémon in all lower-case characters. To find out more methods, note the color of the opposing Pokémon and look at their nicknames.

Alternate Title Screen

Successfully complete Gym Leader Castle and Stadium modes. Then, Pikachu, Blastoise, Charizard, Venusaur and Mewtwo will appear on the title screen.

Play Pokémon Faster

Successfully complete the entire Poké Cup to get a sticker on the GB Tower. This will allow you play Pokémon on the Nintendo 64 twice as fast. If you beat the Masterball in the Prime Cup, a 'Superfast' setting will be unlocked in the GB Tower. The title will change to 'Doduo GB Tower'. Press C-Left to activate it.

Get Pokémon Presents Faster

Successfully complete the Gym Leader Castle. Then when you want to complete it again, go to the Gym Leader Castle, go directly to the Elite 4, and defeat your rival.

Bonus Stickers

Successfully complete R-1 mode, defeat Mewtwo, complete R-2 mode, and defeat Mewtwo again. Enter the gallery screen, then hold L + R and highlight the 'Print' option. Keep holding the buttons until 'Print' changes to 'Bonus' to access sixteen more stickers.

Start With All Three Beginning Pokémon

When you start a new game, you can start with all three beginning Pokémon by starting over and choosing one of them in the Game Boy Pokémon game. Then, capture a Pidgey or Rattata. Save it to the boxes on Pokémon Stadium. Repeat the steps with a different Pokémon until you get all three. You can also save and keep Pokémon from your old game that you still want before starting over.

Unlimited Number Of Same Pokémon

Note: This trick requires the Mega Memory Card from InterAct. Save your file on the Mega Memory Card. Go to the Pokémon Lab and put the Pokémon to be duplicated in a 64 Box. Reload your game on the Mega Memory Card and receive your Pokémon in the 64 Box. Repeat as many times as desired to create an unlimited number of the same Pokémon.

Avoid Recoil Damage

If you use an attack that you know will kill the opposing Pokémon, but will hit you with the recoil, make sure that your Pokémon has at least 20 HP left. Use the attack and you will not suffer the recoil damage.

Trade Without A Second Transfer Pak

Put a box on the game, then put the Pokémon from a different game or the same one in the box. Then, go back to the lab and put the box back on the game that you are trading to, go to the box, and withdraw the Pokémon when you want or need it. Note: This also works with items.

Give Pokémon To Another Game Boy Pak Without Getting One Back

Place the desired Pokémon in a separate box from which you have your regular Pokémon. Transfer that box to the 64box on the Nintendo 64. Shut off the system (if you only have one transfer pak) and insert desired Game Boy pak. If you have two transfer paks, then just switch the Game Boy pak with the one you are going to trade to. Then, transfer the box with the Pokémon in it to the other Game Boy pak and you will have the Pokémon without giving one in return.

Game Shark Codes Without A Nintendo 64 Game Shark

The 'Import' feature and import pack can be used with Game Boy Game Shark codes while playing the original game or codes designed for it.

Get Pokémon For Game Boy Game

Complete one of the Gym Leader Castles of the Elite Four or your rival to get one of the following random Pokémon that can be transferred back to your Game Boy Pokémon game:EeveeHitmonleeHitmonchanSquirtleCharmanderBulbasaurOmanyteKabuto

Pokémon Stadium Cup Requirements

    Pika Cup: Pokémon can only be between level 15-20.Petit Cup: Level ranges between 25-30. There is a height requirement though. Height 6'8' limit and weight 44 pounds.Poké Cup: Only can use 3 Pokémon, levels 50-55. The sum of the Pokémon's levels cannot exceed 155.Prime Cup: Everything is legal. You can have any level, height, weight, or number of Pokémon. However, your opponents' levels are always 100.

Pokémon Weaknesses

Pokemon Stadium 2 Play

Normal Pokémon are weak against Fighting types.Fire Pokémon are weak against Water, Ground and Rock types.Water Pokémon are weak against Electric and Grass types.Electric Pokémon are weak against Ground types.Grass Pokémon are weak against: Fire, Ice, Poison, Flying and Bug types.Ice Pokémon are weak against Fire, Fighting and Rock types.Fighting Pokémon are weak against Flying and Psychic types.Poison Pokémon are weak against Ground, Psychic and Bug types.Ground Pokémon are weak against Water, Grass and Ice types.Flying Pokémon are weak against Electric, Ice and Rock types.Psychic Pokémon are weak against Bug types.Bug Pokémon are weak against Fire, Poison, Flying and Rock types.Rock Pokémon are weak against Water, Grass, Fighting and Ground types.Ghost Pokémon are weak against Ghost types.Dragon Pokémon are weak against Ice and Dragon types.

Recommended Round 1 Rental Teams

Pika CupRaichu, Poliwrath, Arcanine, Exeggutor, Drowzee, Dratini.Petit CupPikachu, Bulbasaur, Horsea, Sandshrew, Gastly, Dratini.Poké Cup, Poké BallDiglett, Abra, Staryu, Jynx, Magmar, Jolteon.Great BallDugtrio, Persian, Abra, Staryu, Jynx, Jolteon.Ultra BallFearow, Dugtrio, Kadabra, Dewgong, Starmie, Jolteon.Master BallSandslash, Kadabra, Gengar, Starmie, Electrode, Articuno.Prime Cup Poke BallPikachu, Voltorb, Diglett, Abra, Poliwhirl, Weepinbell.Great BallElectabuzz, Pikachu, Kadabra, Magmar, Dewgong, Dugtrio.Ultra BallCharizard, Dugtrio, Kadabra, Dewgong, Electrode, Gengar.Master BallDugtrio, Arcanine, Kadabra, Dewgong, Electrode, Exeggutor.Pewter GymCharmander, Wartortle, Growlithe, Abra, Weepinbell, Voltorb.Cerulean GymKadabra, Weepinbell, Voltorb, Staryu, Hitmonlee, Vaporeon.Vermilion GymSandshrew, Dugtrio, Gengar, Electrode, Cubone, Dragonite.Celadon GymKadabra, Electabuzz, Dewgong, Flareon, Hitmonlee, Mr. Mime.Fuchsia GymDugtrio, Kadabra, Cloyster, Gengar, Electrode, Mr. Mime.Saffron GymDugtrio, Kadabra, Electrode, Omanyte, Flareon, Dragonite.Cinnabar GymGengar, Electrode, Kingler, Mr. Mime, Vaporeon, Snorlax.Viridian GymKangaskhan, Gengar, Electrode, Dragonair, Alakazam, Starmie.Elite Four and RivalGengar, Dragonair, Staryu, Jolteon, Scyther, Electrode.MewtwoElectrode, Ditto, Fearow, Cloyster, Mr. Mime, Magneton.

Recommended Round 2 Rental Teams

Pika CupRaichu, Lapras, Ninetales, Gengar, Nidoking, Kadabra.Petit CupVoltorb, Spearow, Horsea, Abra, Cubone, Gastly.Poké Cup, Poké BallDugtrio, Alakazam, Starmie, Tauros, Lapras, Jolteon.Great BallDugtrio, Alakazam, Exeggutor, Starmie, Tauros, Jolteon.Ultra BallDugtrio, Alakazam, Gengar, Starmie, Jolteon, Articuno.Master BallDugtrio, Alakazam, Exeggutor, Starmie, Lapras, Jolteon.Prime Cup Poke BallPoliwhirl, Electrode, Weepinbell, Drowzee, Machoke, Marowak.Great BallFearow, Gengar, Golduck, Magneton, Hypno, Dugtrio.Ultra BallExeggutor, Electrode, Lapras, Rhydon, Mew, Dragonite.Master BallElectrode, Exeggutor, Starmie, Golem, Mew, Jynx.Pewter GymElectabuzz, Doduo, Magmar, Krabby, Paras, Diglett.Cerulean GymMagnemite, Seadra, Gastly, Staryu, Aerodactyl, Tangela.Vermilion GymParasect, Magneton, Fearow, Haunter, Pinsir, Dragonair.Celadon GymPidgeot, Ninetales, Raichu, Poliwhirl, Dragonair, Tangela.Fuchsia GymAlakazam, Electabuzz, Dugtrio, Gengar, Dodrio, Poliwrath.Saffron GymGyarados, Gengar, Jolteon, Mr. Mime, Exeggutor, Dugtrio.Cinnabar GymStarmie, Fearow, Exeggutor, Gengar, Alakazam, Electrode.Viridian GymElectrode, Zapdos, Jynx, Exeggutor, Gyarados, Dugtrio.Elite Four and RivalStarmie, Lapras, Dragonite, Electrode, Exeggutor, Gengar.MewtwoElectrode, Snorlax, Zapdos, Alakazam, Golem, Gengar.

Take Less Damage

Use the following trick when your Pokémon is receiving a fatal attack, such as when Thunder is used on a Water Pokémon, to leave you with enough HP to attack your opponent once. When your opponent's Pokémon begins to use their attack, hold Down + L + B until the energy takes its affect. When the energy leaves, you will have a chance to strike your opponent's Pokémon. Note: This trick only works between 70% to 80% of the time. This will not work if Pokémon are totally mismatched, such as when a level 50 Pokémon is fighting a level 100 Pokémon.

Inflict Greater Damage

While your Pokémon is doing their attack, hold Down + L and repeatedly press A. Then when your Pokémon attacks, hold Down + L + A until the damage is taken. This is very effective when you attempt a fatal attack. Note: This trick only works between 80% to 90% of the time.

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Attack First

Immediately after you choose a move and you want to go first instead of the CPU, hold L and press A. Note: This trick only works about 50% of the time, mostly in the Pika Cup.

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We have no easter eggs for Pokemon Stadium 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no glitches for Pokemon Stadium 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Created by: MetroidMoo.Read the full guide..

Created by: Justin Ridenour.Read the full guide..

Pokemon Stadium 2 Rom N64

This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Pokemon Stadium 2 for Nintendo 64. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please click EDIT and add it.

Amnesia Psyduck[edit]

You must register all 151 Pokemon in the Hall of Fame.

Get More Knowledge at Pok¿mon Academy[edit]


Once you have finished all the classes and passed all of the tests and won the school battles (beating the Elite Class), more information will be available at the Library, including all Items available in all of the Gameboy Pok¿mon games.

Trading using Pokemon Stadium[edit]

What you need:<p>

  • - Two Pokemon game cartridges
  • - Pokemon Stadium 2
  • - Transfer Pak
  • - Some captured Pokemon

<p>How to do it:<p>

  • 1. Go to the Pokemon Lab in Pokemon Stadium 2
  • 2. Go to the PC and select Pokemon
  • 3. change the box to one of the N64 boxes
  • 4. Put the Pokemon you want to trade into the N64 box
  • 5. Save and quit and turn off your N64.
  • 6. Put the other Pokemon game in the Transfer Pak
  • 7. Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3, then put the Pokemon that are in the N6 4box into your party.

<p>Note: there's one catch: the pokemon that are supposed to evolve when traded don't evolve.

Rent Celebi[edit]

To rent Celebi, you will have to open up Round 2 by beating all the cups in Stadium Mode, defeating all the trainers in Gym Leader Castle, and taking care of your rival. Once you open up Round 2, you will be able to rent Celebi.<p>Note: you can only rent Celebi in Prime Cup.

Unlock GB Tower Secrets[edit]

To get your Gameboy games to play at a higher speed at Game Boy Tower, defeat either Gym Leader Castle or all Stadium Cups in Round One. This will give you the Doduo sticker for GB Tower, allowing you to play Gold and Silver at double speed. If you beat the Castle or Stadium Cups in Round Two, the Dodrio GB Tower will be unlocked, allowing you to play the Gameboy games at Hyper Speed.

New Start-up Screens[edit]

Beat all of the cups in Stadium mode and you'll unlock a special title screen. Do it again in Round Two, and you'll see yet another start-up.

Fight Your Rival[edit]

Pokemon Stadium 2 Rom Hack Download

Once you beat all of the Cups in Stadium Mode and all of the trainers in Gym Leader Castle, you will unlock a special Rival Cup in the lower right corner of the main map. Click on it to take your team against the mega-tough trio of Mewtwo, Ho-oh and Lugia.

Harder Mini-Games[edit]

Challenge your computer opponents to a Hard seven-coin Mini-Game battle. If you win the game, another difficulty level will be unlocked: Super Hard.

Get Rare Pokemon[edit]

Beating the Rival Cup the first time will yield a rare Farfetch'd Pokemon with Baton Pass. The second time you beat the Rival Cup (Round 2), you'll be granted a Gligar with the Earthquake move. Both of these moves are not normally learned by these Pokemon, making them super useful and very rare.