Dcs A10c Weapons Guide Pdf


For this guide, you must be in the Real Mode - DO NOT choose Game Flight Mode or Game Avionics (under GamePlay options). There are two other pages to this guide:

  • To Locate the switches and to see the general layout - see the Cockpit Page
  • Dcs A10c Manual Pdf Afghanistan and one of the SMEs for the DCS: A-10C manual. Going to have to do it “old school”, which depending on the skill level of the A-10C pilot, still. DCS: A-10C Warthog Graphical User Interface Manual (English). Home Downloads File name: DCS-A-10CGUIManualEN.pdf. File size: 13.5 Mb. The fearsome Fairchild Republic A-10C Thunderbolt II “Warthog” was the second module added to DCS and features depth and complexity that set the bar for Documentation DCS: A-10C Warthog Flight Manual (English). DCS: A-10C Warthog Flight Manual (English).

  • For the Navigation(ILS), JTAC and other systems - see the Systems Page
  • Setting up Your Controls


    Cockpit is clickable which reduces the keys to memorize - Track IR helps. The minimum is a joystick with Throttle, Twisty Handle, and Hat-Switch. I've a simple MS Sidewinder plus a Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant Throttle and reduced my re-mapping of controls to the essentials.

    Axis commands - On the Options Controls Category drop-down, there are some important choices

    • Flight Control Collective- this changes blade position for more or less lift. It is the most important - if you have just one throttle, use it for the Collective.
    • Throttle - Engines will be at 95% to 100% most of the time - fine control is not needed. PageUp/PageDown for Idle-Medium-Auto-Full
    • Flight ControlCyclic Pitch & Roll can be adjusted for a small dead-zone and response curve
      • Click on the Pitch or Roll (JOY_X or JOY_Y)
      • Then click on the 'AXIS TUNE' button at the bottom of the Screen
      • Give yourself a Dead Zone of maybe '5' and then maybe a bit of a curve
  • Flight ControlRudder [Z and X] on a twisty handle (JOY_RZ)
  • Cockpit Zoom View Numpad_Asterisk* and _Slash/] are OK. But I have a throttle on my joystick that is re-mapped (in Axis Commands - Zoom View)
  • Cyclic and Collective sticks

    • Cannon[SPACE] - for your 2A42 cannon - re-mapped to the front trigger on my MS Sidewinder
    • Release Weapons[R.CTRL SPACE] - for the other weapons(missiles, rockets, bombs) - re-mapped - hold down 2 seconds for full release
    • Lock Target [ENTER] (re-mapped) When locked onto a target, press again to move the Reticle
    • I-251 Shkval TV
      • Shkval Centre - [R.CTRL I] (High Priority to re-map) Very good for orientation. a great help to keep your focus on the targets especially Turn to Target modes
      • Shkval Slew left/right/up/down- re-mapped to both the Hat-switch the Keyboard's arrow keys. The Arrow keys feel more precise.
  • Hover On/Off - L.ALT-T But I've also added [L.ALT - JoyButton3]
  • Trimmer[T] and Trimmer reset[R.CTRL T] - you might want to re-map - I did not
  • Other Pre-flight Options

    • Cockpit Language - use your own language - you have enough to learn without learning Russian
    • Cockpit Panel View Toggle [R.CTRL + Numpad_0]Essential for Shkval and ABRIS work.
      • Then use the Numpad keys for the different views
      • Tap Numpad_0 to get out of it
      • Mouse Button is sometimes hidden L.ALT-C brings it back

    Setting Up After Take-off


    • Countermeasure Signal Processor (CMSP) Panel - Defensive systems need to be turned on the CM Panel on the Right Console - including the Jammer


    • Countermeasure Signal Processor (CMSP) Panel - Defensive systems need to be turned on the CM Panel on the Right Console - including the Jammer
    • Flip the Mode Select Dial switch to MANUAL - (3 times) - this starts the show. I once switched it to AUTO, but as soon as I was lit up by a MiG, it started pumping out chaff/flares without any control
    • 4 switches turn on 4 counter-measure Systems
      MWS - Missile Warning System - this detects not just radar missiles but others by analyzing changes in heat signature, and infra-red and ultra-violot analyses. There are scanners in tails and wings.
      JMR - Electronic Countermeasure Jammer - try to jam radar missiles. I use the keyboard Minus sign - easy to remember. The Centre Console will switch from SBY (stand-by) to OPR (operational)
      RWR - Radar Warning Receiver - see the threats - located separately on the Centre Console
      DISP - Chaff and Flare Dispenser. The DISP switch enables the the chaff and flare dispensers - You can also program them by clicking DISP again. I just accept the programs 'as is':
      A + B Chaff Only
      C Flares Only
      D + E + F + G Mixed Flares/Chaff
      H + I - One Chaff Set launched at a time
    CM Switches - Setting up the joystick is a top priority and CM are re-mapped to a 4-way switch on my HOTAS joystick
    - But there are actually 5 commands - the final one is turning on the Electronic Jammer - the keyboard [Minus sign] - easy to remember
    • Activate Flare/Chaff Program (CMS HAT FORWARD) - this starts pumping out Chaff(anti-radar) and Flares(anti-IR)
    • Turn OFF Program (CMS HAT AFT) - Halts current program
    • Change Program A-->B-->C-->D etc. (CMS HAT LEFT)
    • Change Program D-->C-->A-->B etc. (CMS HAT RIGHT)
    • On the Centre Panel - Activate Electronic Jammmers - (CMS PRESS DOWN or Keyboard+Minus) and you see it change from SBY(Standby) to OPR(Operational)
    AUTO-PILOT - Activated with [A]
    • Auto-pilots directly to the current Waypoint in the PVI-800 Nav computer - Panels Page To use

    AUTO-PILOT - ROUTE MODE Desired Heading - Activated with [R]

    • Auto-pilots directly to the current Waypoint in the PVI-800 Nav computer - Panels Page To use
      • Click the WPT button and then click on the Waypoint # wanted
    • PVI-800 Display will show the Longitude and Latitude
    • On the HUD the Desired Heading Cue diamond appears and the Ka-50 will turn to WPT
    • The HSI needles will also change
    • Desired Heading is the default - toggle to Desired Track mode with [L.ALT + X]
    • Desired Track mode - that follows the entered path to the waypoint rather than directly While TRIM [T] is pressed, all input from AutoPilot is disabled - you can reset angles
    • Useful when you are in HOVER MODE.
    • Reduces the swing and keeps the Shkval on target
    • It is important - I've re-mapped the Center Shkval [R.CTRL + I] onto my joystick
    • QUICK START - Pull back on the your stick to slow down and then do a Trimmer reset[R.CTRL T]

    Weapon Systems Set-up


    Below the Left MFCD - Arming Switches - Master Arm, TGP, Laser, Gun-Pac Ready(though not urgent)

    We first turn ON the Electro-Opticals(TGP and Mavs). On the TADS Screen, select the following OSBs:
    • DSMS MSL EO ON - the TGP and Maverick seekers require at least 3 minutes warm-up - you'll see the timer

    When the TGP is warmed up, Click on A-G. The TGP should flash and brighten
    You have three modes - accessed by the Boat Switch on your throttle. I do not have a switch like that, so I remapped them on my keyboard in a row->
    • FLIR - Black-Hot BHOT (BOAT AFT) [ , ] This is IR heat vision - but reversed colours
    • CCD (BOAT CENTRE)[ . ] - normal imaging
    • FLIR - White-Hot WHOT (BOAT FORWARD) re-mapped to [ / ] This is IR heat vision
    • I usually flip to the WhiteHOT FLIR and increase the GAIN. And when searching for targets, many people flip between WHOT and BHOT to get the best chance to discover targets

    BOMBS and other Set-ups (IAM IGM JDAM et al)

    Working the DSMS to make sure all the settings are correct
    • IAM ()
    • IGM ()

    SHKVAL and Targeting Computer (K-041) - Your eyes and targeting device

    • Slew the Shkval (and the Shkval pipper on the HUD) with the standard keys
      • Re-mapped from the standards to both the Arrow keys and Hat-switchwitch
      • It is Important to remap the Center Shkval button [R.CTRL I] because it will rapidly orientate
  • [PLUS] zooms IN the Shval to 23x power and [MINUS] zooms OUT to just about 7x
  • Adjust the Gates target size(10 for vehicle, 60 for buildings) with the square brackets - [ and ]
  • MISSILES - The main weapon of any load-out is the VikhrMissiles (12 per load-out)

    • Slew the
    • For items larger than a Vehicle you will have to increase the Gates
    • Lock up the Target in the SHkval - There are two separate firing buttons for the Ka-50
    • For the Main Load-out - I`ve re-mapped the Release Weapon [SPACE] to another joystick button
    • For the Cannon - I`ve re-mapped the Gunfire button [SPACE] to my main joystick Trigger
    • After slewing around the square reticule Get Lockon on the Target - TA will appear on the Shkval and the HUD
    • If the Laser Designator is off, LeftSHIFT-O toggles it on -
    • and Shift your Black Shark so that the new double-circle reticule is inside the HUD reticule
    • If you`re are at a great height, your Black Shark will pick up speed and move forward ·
    • Keep lowering your height and, after release, pull up sharply.
    • You should still be locked on Release Weapon
    • For extreme long-range shots see the Laser Designation Section on the Systems Page


    • Toggle the Cannon Mode with [C]. It is a separate weapons mode - main weapons do not fire
    • The Cannon is linked to the Shkval TV. Slew the Shkval to find a Target. Maximum Range is 4km
    • Lock-on the Fire with
    • On the WCS you can see some options for the Cannon
      • [S]- MANUAL or AUTO Aiming. MANUAL gives bore-sight strafing. AUTO will track with the Shkval
      • [A] - LNG or MED or SHORT Burst Type
      • [L.SHIFT + C] - HIGH or LOW Rate of Fire
      • [L.CTRL + C] - HE or AP Ammo Type.
        • HE is High Explosive that is effective against infantry and lighter armoured vehicles.
        • AP is Armour Piercing for Tanks
  • For Plinking at Maximum Range - You can move the aim-point slightly - Hold down LOCK button and slew the Shkval slightly

    ·HMS System


    • If you expected anything more amazing than dumb-dropping (circa 1942), you'd be disappointed. Practice helps
    • Turn on the Master Arm Switch - [L.ALT + W] on the Weapons Control System (WCS)
    • Select the hard-points - Inner [U] or Outer [Y] or BOTH [I]
    • The bombs are indicated with “АБ” (Bombs) and green lights. The number of remaining bombs will be indicated.
    • You can also use the HUD Standby Reticule Mode button above the Shkval.
      • Cycle through the HUD mode selector (R.SHIFT-8)
    • But I prefer to keep the main HUD - I use a 20 degree angle(shown in the HUD ladder).
    • When the and drop when the target disappear underneath the
    • Practice - attached is a mission with the recover option activated

    HMS Helmet-Mounted System

    • H brings down the Helmet Mounted System(HMS) - it's for quicker aiming of the Shkval pipper
    • Just look where you want, then keep pressing the letter O.
    • This slews the Shkval cursor to where you're looking
    • You can change its brightness with the

    AIR to AIR FIGHTING - occasionally you have to deal with a fast-mover or helicopter in a mission

    Notes: When a firmware is offered for your computer, download both the firmware and driver, and make sure to install the firmware first. When your computer is not listed in the table, you can look for the driver on the Dell Support site.When available, the Broadcom USH w/swipe sensor drivers are included in the Dell ControlVault Driver or Dell ControlVault2 Driver and Firmware files, located. Dell e4300 driver download. Get drivers and downloads for your Dell Latitude E4300. Download and install the latest drivers, firmware and software.

    • Your best chance is a Vikhr Missile
    • Press the Airborne target [V] on the Left Panel - changes the fuse to air-burst to give you a better shot
    • If the Jet is going head-on to you, HEAD-ON Airborne target [L.ALT + S] on the Left Panel - changes the missile fuse to wider air-burst
    • Use the Shkval to acquire the target, lock on, and fire when you have the Cue.
    • The missile has limited upward lift - so try tilting your Black Shark upon releaseIf the HUD does not give good parameters, switch from Automatic to Manual
    • Cannon can be used as well (4 km range)

    Going into battle

    • When approaching the Forward Edge of Battle Area (FEBA): Information is what you need
    • From your ABRIS - see details here - and from the Mission description(have a notepad handy)
    • Pick a spot to hover that is hidden
    • From your wingman - Send your wingman on RECON a short distance - see Nav - Comms Page for enemy data for your ABRIS system
    • Prepare the UV-26 automatic flare dispensing program.
    • Use a program suitable to the suspected air defence types.

    Ramp-Start- taking off from airports or heli-pads called FARPs.

    There is a Quick Start method - LWIN-HOME (LWIN is the Windows key to the left of the Spacebar and next to the ALT) starts the Quick start-up sequence. There is a full start-up sequence. Please see the Going Deeper section below

    • K lights up the cockpit. Useful even in the Daytime.
      • K - R.CTRL is the light-switch for the Cockpit Panels. The dials light up very pretty
      • K - R.SHIFT
    is the light-switch for the Night Vision Cockpit
  • Most have a throttle on their joystick. Otherwise change the engine thrust with Page Up and Page Down. NumpadPlus/Minus for incremental changes.
  • Door opens/closes with [R.CTRL-C]. On the ground it allows you to communicate with your ground crew
  • [W] applies wheel brakes as you move around the taxiway. You need to keep press them down to slow down. Tapping them once will not do the job.
  • [Z](Left)and [X](Right) - (suggested remapping) are used on the ground for turning as you taxi about the airport. In the air, this rotates your helicopter.
  • J - R.ALT - Lights rotor tip
  • J - R.SHIFT - Light anti-collision L.SHIFT + J
  • J - R.CTRL Nav Lights formation 10%/30%/100%/Off
  • After careening wildly about the airport like Crazy Taxi, and ending up on the runway, you should be stopped and ready for takeoff.

    • Access the Tower by hitting Backslash( above the Enter key). The Comms Menu will appear. Choose F6 for Tower and then F3 to request take-off. It's not required to actually take off.
    • Increase the Collective using your Collective (re-mapped) or Numpad_Plus+ and Numpad_Minus -
      • Yellow flashing light on Left Shoulder Panel - means there's too much RPM stress on your blades - reduce your throttle

    Looking around - Extended

    Cockpit views - Smoothly working here is a big step in keeping control of your plane and target even without padlock or Track IR as an aid.

    • Without a TrackIR, you can use your Hat-switch for looking around the cockpit or
      • ????? L.ALT + C,move the camera, Left-ALT + C, click the buttons you want, Left-ALT - C move the camera again
    • Snap-Views - the A-10 requires a lot more detailed systems use - On the MFCDs you have CDU, TAD, and TGP/Maverick plus another snap-view for radio

    External Views - F1 to F10 offer views in those missions that allow External Views (many on-line missions)

    • F1 is the most important - it puts you back into your cockpit with your instruments and weapons.
    • F2 allows you to see yourself from the outside. Move the mouse to rotate. The Scroll-wheel zooms you in and out. Hit F2 again to cycle through to your wingman and other air assets.
      • Another feature that goes with that F2 view is the ability to jump into another flyable by hitting ALT-J.
    • F3 is the cinematic Flyby view. Used rarely.
    • F4 allows a rear view to see what's behind you. Good to view any bombs you're dropped
    • F6 tracks the Missiles or Rockets in the air
    • F7 shows all the ground units.
    • F8 - the mission targets.
    • F12 - the Static Objects. On-line most hosts restrict external views.
    • F10 gives you the Theatre Map. There are icons to the right :MAP, SAT, ALT
    • F11 flips through the airports that are available. Remember where you're starting from in the mission. It's cool to see yourself on the airport.
    • SHIFT-F10 turns labels on/off mid-flight. Shift-F2 - Aircraft labels toggle, Shift-F9 - Ships and ground units labels toggle
    • Padlocking (if enabled in the mission)
      • Numpad-DEL(period) A point on the terrain is padlocked.
      • For toggling all missiles: SHIFT-Numpad-DEL and for only serious Threat missiles: ALT-Nmpad-DEL
      • Numpad-NumLock - Disables all padlocks.

    Changing Default Snap-Views - sometimes a snap-view is not correct and you want to overwrite the inadequate snap-view

    • Thanks to GregP in the DCS forums for the procedure - using KP5 View(Cockpit-Centre) as an example
    • Set UseDefaultSnapViews=false in your View.lua file - I had to copy it out to My Documents and copy it in (admin rights)
      2. Toggle snap views: R.CTRL + Numpad-Zero
      3. Press the snap view you want to change: Numpad-5
      4. Untoggle snap views R.CTRL + Numpad-Zero
      5. Move/pan/zoom your view to where you want it; for me, simply using zoom in (*) and slightly panning the view up a bit got me a nice zoomed in HUD view.
      6. Save cockpit angles: RALT KP0
      7. Press the snap view you want to set: KP5
    • And that's it, you're done! Pressing RCTL KP0 and then KP5 ought to take you to the new zoomed-in HUD view. And you can go to your SnapViews.lua file to see what values for [11][6] creates this view, for easier setup next time.
    • ivanwfr says: You can redefine all of KP0-KP9 snap views this way:
      • Adjust some Cockpit FOV
      • Hit LWIN KP# snap view numpad key Hit RALT KP0 to redefine this snap view
      • ..done

    Running the Program and flying about

    • Esc is a mission exit menu sometimes with the choice of RCVR which allows a Ka-50 re-start
    • PAUSE stops all current activity but allows different views.
    • For long Missions - L.CTRL-Z accelerates time and L.SHIFT-Z resets it back to normal L.ALT-Z slows the sim down.
    • R.CTRL - R.SHIFT + Tab - allows you to jump to another(usually after you've crashed)
    • ' QUOTE in a mission gives your current mission Percentage Completed.
    • CTRL-R starts the Mission Recording when you START a mission but not in-flight.
    • R.CTRL-PAUSE shows the frame rate
    • ON-LINE: Chat -`(Squiggle), your team only R.CTRL `(Squiggle)
      • `QUOTE lists players online and pings

    I've been hit or am about to get hit

    I'm about to get hit

    • STEP 1 - PREVENT IT !
      • Get a full command of the area by having your Wingman do a RECON to put the enemy on your ABRIS - see the Nav Comms Page
      • Scan the area with your
    You have a Laser Warning Receiver(LWR) system You're warned if painted by a targeting laser
    • Your LWR is in the left upper corner of the Front Window(below the DataLink panel) - see the Panels Page - link here
    • It has 4 LEDs for laser direction and the 2 lamp-lights in the middle of the LEDs are Hemisphere indicators - above or below
    • The bottom 2 Lamp-lights show
      • Ranging laser(you're within range)
      • Guiding mode - the missile is in the air and being guided towards you
  • But after being painted, Reset (L)hit the LWR. This clears all lamps and LEDS.
  • Guess what?? You have NO RADAR warning system. If locked by a radar missile, you will never know it. Yes, some real-life Ka-50's are sent into battle without a Radar Warning Receiver and this type is modelled in Black Shark.
  • UV-26 Flare Panel - to use unprogrammed - Insert pumps out a Flare each time you hit it
  • To program a sequence of flares/chaff - see the Systems Page
  • I've been hit

    In some of the old shareware versions such as 4.13 you could continue editing as long as you like. You could perform 100 actions per session. Also, the system requirements have increased considerably since now a Pentium 3 of 700 MHz and DirectX 8 are part of the minimum equipment required compared to the Pentium 2 of 300 MHz and DirectX 5. But since 2004, GoldWave has evolved into a new era, changing from version 4 to 5, updating its visual aspect and introducing much more rich editing features and special effects, with the counter-effect of leaving old Windows versions compatibility such as 95, 98, 98SE obsolete (although GoldWave will still run on Windows 98SE, albeit unsupported) and render the software unusable on those systems. Download goldwave old version.

    • CTRL-E several times(3) and you've ejected. But only if your ejection system is still working.
    • Please lady, stop the Voices! M silences The MASTER Warnings(each message repeated twice^)
    • EKRAN System - located on the Right Forward panel - see Panels Page
      • Displays the current problem See Pg 6-26 in the Manual for a full Break-down
    • Fire Extinguisher Systems - 2-80 in the manual for the indicator lights. Fire can show up in the left or right engines, APU, and oil cooling bays
      • I've re-mapped my Extinguishers to my Throttle
        • Left-SHIFT-F - left engine fire extinguisher
        • R.SHIFT-F - right engine fire extinguisher
        • Left-SHIFT-L.ALT-F - APU
        • Left-SHIFT-L.ALT-LeftCTRL-F - Oil cooling ventilator. Yes! all three modifier buttons - re-mapping would be a good idea
    Auto-Rotation crash landing
    • Emergency Drop Gear - [L.ALT + G] you might have some hydraulic damage that prevents lowering gears


    • Crash Landing - Ejection
    • Emergency Shut-down - see instructions
    • In-flight - jettisoning
    • L.ALT-R jettisons external stores(weapons or fuel tanks)
      • For ATGM missiles
        • Jettison arm mode - explosive/unexplosive - LeftSHIFT-L.ALT - W
        • Hit the Red Jettison button or R.CTRL-W
        • tanks on the in pairs(in-flight) or re-arms(ground). If you have external tanks, CTRL-W will drop the 2 outside tanks first, then the center tank and then onto weapons
    LANDING Manually
    • Be well trimmed and nearly halted
    • Get forward momentum - don't get in your own wash - 50 kph max but should be much less (10-20 kph)
    • Watch your vertical speed - the VVI - try to be 3 m/s or less
    • Check wind speed and direction on the PVI-800 (R.ALT-D or the WIND-DI/SP)
      • Account for that as you head down
    • You can open the door to look down [R.CTRL-C]
    • Be Steady and trust your VVI more than the Collective as you ease down
    LANDING - Descent Mode - you can use this
    • Be well trimmed
    • Get into Auto-Hover [L.ALT-T]Hit and HOLD the Descent Mode button (D)
    • The helicopter will descend SLOWLY down to 4m AGL; after that Descent Mode is cancelled - take it down manually.
    Re-Fueling or Re-arming - the Comms Menu is needed to contact the Maintenance Ground Crew
    • If your power is not on, open the Cockpit door R.CTRL-C Hit the Comms Menu and make the request - You`ll get Ground Service: Copy
    • If you are Powered up Check the Intercom Power [INT.COM on Wall Panel] Likely to be ON already. If not, switch it on [L.ALT + L.CTRL + Z]
    • Set the SPU-9 Dial [Left Panel] to GRND CREW [L.ALT + L.CTRL + / ]
    • Hit the Comms Menu
    • W Engage wheel brakes (ground) (Note: Hold down key)
    • R.CTRL-PageUp - left engine off
    • R.CTRL-PageDown - R. engine off
    • R - LShift Rotor brake (When it is below 20%)

    Wingmen Basics
    Lead Plane + Wingman is the basic set of military aircraft operations. The Lead provides guidance and direction to an attack while the wingman watches for any vulnerabilities that the duo might have and carrries out tasks requested of the Lead.
    A step above that is the Flight of 4(Lead(#1), #2, #3, and #4) with 2 sets of wingmen:
    In this case this flight is broken down into 2 sets or elements:
    1st Element: Lead(#1) and Wingman #2
    2nd Element: Wingmen #3 and #4
    The 2nd Element can follow the Lead and act as extra wingman. Or even better, the 2nd Element can take on a separate task altogether. If the Flight of 4 are fighters, the 2nd Element (for example) can pich in on the left while the 1st Element
    For the A-10C, you can use the 2nd Element on a different target, take out air defences, or to finish off the target the 1st element has already hit.
    The Most Important Command
    Rejoin Formation
    The AI is much better than in previous Eagle Dynamics but you still need to track of your wingman. I prefer to use the Communication menu [] but the key combo [LWin + Y] will pull your wingman off of whatever
    Engage With..
    This is the key command for directing your wingman with you SPI - more on it below.
    Designating Targets for your Wingman(or Flight or Element)
    The TGP is used to set up SPI (pronounced 'spee') that your wingmen can respond to.

    Hell Box Armory

    After the TGP is warmed up and active, search for a target as per the mission - I usually have a waypoint to start with. I flip to the WhiteHOT FLIR and increase the GAIN. And when searching for targets, many people flip between WHOT and BlackHOT(BHOT) to get the best chance to discover targets.
    I often use the TADS Screen to know where the TGP is pointing to - I set up a SPI by using the CHINA HAT Forward - LONG (hold it down for 2 seconds)
    This makes a SPI that can be seen on the TADS screen
    Making sure the TGP is the SOI, I then slew this around to get an exact fix on the target. If the target is moving, I flick TMS FORWARD (short) to toggle between AREA(fixed position) and POINT (moving target)
    Broadcasting SPI
    Now that I've got an SPI in my system on the Target, I need to let my wingmen know of it. I then hold down the DMS-LEFT LONG to Broadcast the SPI to my wingies.
    Telling Buddy to 'Git'er Done'
    That's when Engage With.. is used.
    I just get onto the Comms menu [] and issue the commands

    A 10c Manual

    If the target is an Air Defense, I usually specify:
    • F3 Engage With..
    • Target Type - F4 Engage Air Defenses
    • Weapon Type - F1 Missile.. Mavericks have the longest standoff range
    • Attack Heading - F1 Default.. The most direct route from where the wingmen currently are

    The wingman or element should respond with
    Roger, Air Defense Target at your SPI with Missiles
    They'll head to that area and starting from that point will search for targets of that type
    Using these building blocks will get a lot of the jobs done and will give extra fire-power

    Deeper - The Next Steps

    Weapons guild

    This is a study sim. There are many more things to dig into for a deeper experience

    • Trimming, Hovering, and Auto-pilot - Extended look
    • view the Producers Note #10 and ED Black Shark Trimming Thread for some chatter about trimming
    • Night Flying - see the Systems Page
    • RampStart - to be done after you`ve had a lot of fun flying already and have master the systems in the air
    • Colonel Kurtz on SimHQ forums said it best.
      • 'The best advice I could give to anybody that is daunted by sim complexity is to take the time to learn ramp start. With DCS Blackshark I found that once learning the ramp start, I could identify which systems carried out certain functions. The benefit of this is that I didn't have to remember a lot of key strokes. Each area was broken up into smaller sections of 6-10 buttons, not too dissimilar to driving a car. Take a look at the dashboard in your car next time you hop on board. There's a bunch of levers and buttons with 50+ functions which we take for granted.'
    • Flight Preparations - look at Pg 262
    • Smoky says - 'For me it's just about what I practice using. The more of the Ka's feature set that you take advantage of, the more you find the helicopter works with you. The Ka also helps one to fly very, very smoothly if you take advantage of these systems. Eg., using auto-descent gives you one less thing to worry about while you're bobbing around, taking cover, and targeting.'
    • Other Tutorials
      • Producer Notes on Youtube -Producers' NotesThread
    Posted by
    Callsign: Buckeye
    1 year ago

    Alright boys, I am finally going to do it. I am going to sit down and learn the A-10C in its entirety. A little background on me: I started flying DCS in May of 2014 and DCS was my first flight sim ever. Checking my ED order history, I purchased the A-10C module on 6/14/2014. Since then, I haven’t clicked a single switch inside the cockpit (to my recollection). I’ve sat in the cockpit a few times for the training missions and I’ve always said “Fuck this” before ever really making any progress whatsoever. Truth be told, the only plane I’ve ever flown besides the Eagle is the Frogfoot and that was only because that is what was required for the 104th’s UPT videos to apply for the squadron…that was back in October of 2014 and I haven’t sat in that cockpit a single time since I finished the videos necessary.

    Disclaimer: I did take 2.5 years off from flying due to my professional life becoming very time consuming, but as of 1.5-2 months ago I am back in action…so I haven’t been sitting on my hands for a whole 3.5 years like it appears. Only like 1.5 years haha

    In preparation for the Harrier, Hornet and Tomcat, I want to knock out a complete “learning” of the Warthog. As such, I come to you today to ask this simple question: If you only had one resource to recommend to a noob trying to learn the A-10C, what would it be?

    Yes, I am aware there are archived threads that discuss this, but some of those are dated and new material has been released. I want answers as things stand today. And yes, I will be flying in-person in co-op on MP servers once I am serviceable/knowledgeable enough to not be a complete liability. I just need some stuff to help get me off the ground before I put that burden on others.

    I currently have Chuck’s PDF guide and Bunyap’s YouTube video series, what else am I missing? Should I swap one (or both) of these out for a different, more beneficial, resource?