Centos 6 Manual


This tutorial will walk you through configuring your network configurations on CentOS 6.X. There are three different methods to choose from, depending on what installation type and packages you have installed. Manual configuration is done by directly modifying the configuration files. You will need to be comfortable with the command-line for. The Perfect Server - CentOS 6.5 x8664 (Apache2, Dovecot, ISPConfig 3) Version 1.0 Author: Falko Timme, updated by Srijan Kishore. This tutorial shows how to prepare a CentOS 6.5 x8664 server for the installation of ISPConfig 3, and how to install ISPConfig 3.

Linux Static IP
## Configure eth0
# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
NAME='System eth0'
## Configure Default Gateway
# vi /etc/sysconfig/network
## Restart Network Interface
/etc/init.d/network restart
## Configure DNS Server
# vi /etc/resolv.conf
nameserver # Replace with your nameserver ip
nameserver # Replace with your nameserver ip

commented Mar 2, 2013

Nice overview.

You can also run dhclient (once off) to automatically update the /etc/resolv.conf file.

commented Mar 12, 2013

excellent! thanks this was helpful :)

commented May 7, 2013


commented Jun 27, 2013

Just downloaded centos 6.4 and was stunned that it does not detect my onboard nic. Thank you so much :)

commented Jul 21, 2013

Thank you!

commented Aug 7, 2013

Great, thanks!

commented Oct 1, 2013


commented Oct 11, 2013

good reference. :)

commented Oct 21, 2013

'NETWORKING=yes' Never fails to make me giggle.

commented Oct 23, 2013

what is this uuid and how can i find it i am new linux user

thanks in advance for reply

commented Nov 28, 2013

Thanks you very much!

commented Nov 28, 2013

Thanks you very much!

commented Nov 28, 2013

Thanks you very much!

FITT Training Guidelines for Different Fitness Components Fitness Component Frequency per week Intensity of session Type of exercise Time (TUT) Energy System Work to Rest Ratio W:R Sets Reps Rest Recovery b/w sessions Power 1 – 2 x 100% Movement specific. FITT – Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type of Activity Everyone:. Try to stay active for at least 10 minutes without stopping. Remember, some activity is better than no activity. It is okay to build up to 10 minutes. Aim for a total of at least 30 minutes of activity throughout the day. Fitt exercise guidelines. Dec 19, 2015  What is the FITT Principle? F: frequency - how often? This is the number of times a week one should exercise I: intensity - how hard? This is how much effort you are putting in while exercising T: time - how long are you doing it? This is the duration of each session of exercise. The FITT Plan for Physical Activity FITT method. FITT (frequency, intensity, time, and type) is one way to remember. Tips for parents. Make time to be active. School-aged youth should participate every day in 60 minutes. Activity Log. Children and teens can be motivated to exercise more when.

commented Dec 16, 2013

Great stuff, saved me a lot of time!

commented Dec 30, 2013

Hey, thanks, really ;)

commented Jan 9, 2014

thanks, really

commented Jan 9, 2014

thanks, really

commented Jan 9, 2014

I don't have eth0 in folder, please suggest I am pasting directory dump

ifcfg-lo ifdown-ppp ifup-ippp ifup-sit
ifdown ifdown-routes ifup-ipv6 ifup-tunnel
ifdown-bnep ifdown-sit ifup-isdn ifup-wireless
ifdown-eth ifdown-tunnel ifup-plip init.ipv6-global
ifdown-ippp ifup ifup-plusb net.hotplug
ifdown-ipv6 ifup-aliases ifup-post network-functions
ifdown-isdn ifup-bnep ifup-ppp network-functions-ipv6
ifdown-post ifup-eth ifup-routes

Please suggest

commented Jan 17, 2014

@palamrit, you should try ifup-eth and ifup-wireless

commented Jan 20, 2014


commented Feb 19, 2014

Great stuff, saved me a lot of time!

commented Feb 19, 2014

Thanks you very much!

commented Mar 3, 2014

Thanks for this stuff

but when i tried to '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0' its showing file directory not available.
after that i tried to edit 'vi /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth0' then its showing access denied but i login from 'root'.

commented Mar 3, 2014

Centos 6 Iso

Thank you very much, quite helpful!

commented Mar 21, 2014

I had followed the instructions mentioned but still it's not working, what would be the name server ip address if i m using wireless network(home), i am using wireless network, i tried with both Bridge network and NAT, but no luck, could you please help me..

commented Mar 23, 2014

Sweet! Thanks

commented Apr 13, 2014

I'm fowlowed you. But I tried ping to google.com. I got ping: unknow host google.com. Please help me solve problem

commented Apr 23, 2014

Awesome! Thanks

commented Apr 24, 2014


I have configured static IP address ( But everytime i boot up, its picking another IP address. (

But after the boot up, if i give 'service network restart' it gets changed to my static IP. If the network is not restarted, its with its own ( If i check the ifcfg-eth0 file, i see the IP which i have given.

How to fix it?


commented May 10, 2014

how to change linux centose ip address

commented Jul 4, 2014

Hi Clement,

I have similar problem , everytime I reboot its pickingip another IP. Is your problem resolved? have you found reason?


commented Jul 19, 2014

Check below link if someone still have issues with static ip on centos 6.

commented Mar 23, 2015

Based on a Redhat network config, I simply added the DNS by adding the following extra lines to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0. Then after restarting the network I already had the correct values in /etc/resolv.conf.

commented Mar 23, 2015

Thank you!

commented Apr 16, 2015

Hey declum/unikhil,

I had the same issue but managed to resolve it. The service NetworkManager appears to override any configurations made in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts. A couple of remedies:

  1. Add the line NM_CONTROLLED=no to the config file.. or

  2. Disable network manager by

systemctl stop NetworkManager.servicesystemctl disable NetworkManager.service

commented Apr 22, 2015


commented May 10, 2015

Thanks! Need to create my own note :)

commented Jul 2, 2015

Thanks! Helped a lot.

commented Jul 31, 2015

Thank you so much.

commented Aug 31, 2015

Great! Thanks for share!

commented Oct 30, 2015


commented Feb 27, 2016

it's work confirm!!!!

commented Mar 28, 2016


commented Apr 4, 2016

Wow you don't know how much I did battle with a broken set-up because of bad advice.
Because of this write-up it now works beautifully.
Thank you!

commented Apr 14, 2016

Centos 6 Manual


commented Apr 28, 2016

I must say when I started configuring static IP's on Cent OS 7 via CLI it was pretty confusing, but then i understood it - it became much easier. Without need to disable Network Manager, just type this command “nmtui” to open Network manager and edit any connection. This is super easy and no VI , NANO are needed. Plus can reset adapter too. Hope this will help others as well. Regards!

commented May 10, 2016

Thanks, It's helpful to me.

commented Jun 18, 2016

How about /etc/hosts file which has reference to server along with alias?

commented Aug 8, 2016

@Azhung I had the same issue but fixed it by adding the line GATEWAY= (Replacing with your correct gateway, of course) to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

commented Aug 28, 2016

Can't figure it out. Seems to have a problem setting the IP. I'm trying to set it to

commented Sep 5, 2016

commented Sep 15, 2016

Thank you

commented Oct 6, 2016

Thank you. :-)

commented Nov 15, 2016


commented Jan 26, 2017

Muchas gracias - been using this for a long time as reference for static IP. Rock on!

commented Apr 26, 2017

Thank you very much!

commented Sep 22, 2017

Centos 6 End Of Life

thank you.

commented Dec 10, 2017

Thank you so much 👍 :D

commented Jan 27, 2018

For IP ranges you can also use my scirpt: https://github.com/jonsbun/add-ips-centos

commented Feb 28, 2018

@Arinerron: set up your default gateway, no gateway, your systems only knows your local network (192.168.1.x/y). Furthermore you should use ip add sh, instead of ifconfig nowadays.

commented Mar 30, 2018

OMG THANK YOU! Spent half a day trying to figure out how to create a static IP on CentOS. this took me 5 mins to do.

commented Apr 15, 2018

Centos 6.6 Download

Make sure to refer to /usr/share/doc/initscripts-*/sysconfig.txt (search for /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg) - that's the only built-in documentation for this mechanism.

commented Apr 27, 2018

Okay so dumb question that I probably don't need to worry about, is there a difference when you do ONBOOT=yes versus ONBOOT='yes' with quotes? I get using quotes if there's a space in it like your example of NAME='System eth0' but does it matter for one word entries like yes or no?

commented Jun 13, 2018

I have done all the things as guided but still internet is not working, on using ping command it says unknown hosts: . I did exactly same as asked.please do help me.i tried almost everything.

commented Jul 9, 2018

Thank you so much :)

commented Jul 19, 2018

its nice thank u

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